Workplace wellbeing

Workplace Wellbeing

Create a healthier workplace for a healthier workforce

100 Companies to inspire Britain 2019
100 Companies to inspire Britain 2018
100 Companies to inspire Britain 2017

Work plays a vital role in people’s wellbeing, which is about ‘feeling well’, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Creating opportunities for your employees to take a more proactive and preventative approach to all aspects of their health can significantly and positively affect how they feel about themselves, their work and their working environment and relationships, and in turn have a measurable impact on the success of your organisation.

Medigold Health offer a range of evidence-based initiatives that you can combine as part of a coordinated, holistic workplace wellbeing strategy, tailored to your organisation’s culture and objectives, to help you:

  • reduce levels of absence and presenteeism – supporting your employees to better look after their own health and wellbeing means they’ll be better equipped to deal with any challenges they face at work and less likely to become unwell or need time off
  • increase employee engagement – employees who feel valued and better cared for are more motivated and more engaged with their work, and perform more effectively as a result
  • improve employee retention rates – demonstrating a commitment to investing in employee health and wellbeing will help you build a positive workplace culture, encouraging loyalty and marking you out as an employer of choice
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Find out more about our Workplace Wellbeing Service

    • Gain valuable insight into the wellbeing of your workforce to better understand the needs of your organisation

      • We support you in designing and marketing a customised online survey to obtain valuable data about the current physical, mental and emotional health of your employees
      • You receive detailed reports highlighting key lifestyle behaviours and health risks among your workforce, so you can shape your wellbeing programme accordingly to guarantee maximum impact
    • Help your employees gain a better picture of their own health so they can take action to prevent future problems

      • employees benefit from one-to-one health checks and receive personalized, easy-to-read health reports, lifestyle advice and signposting
      • you receive a company screening report based on aggregated data to help you monitor trends and evaluate the effects of wellbeing campaigns on employee health
    • Provide your employees with the information and resources they need to start making positive lifestyle changes

      • we provide monthly campaign toolkits and information packs targeting those topics that are most relevant to your organization
      • you receive promotional materials such as posters and factsheets that offer practical tips and signposting, to raise awareness and engage your employees with their own health and wellbeing
    • Give your employees the opportunity to access personal lifestyle management coaching

      • your employees receive personal lifestyle management coaching on specific health and wellbeing concerns from our specialist wellbeing coaches, one-to-one or in small groups
      • we offer a choice of face-to-face or remote sessions delivered via our online personal coaching service so you can design your coaching day to suit you
    • Help your employees make and sustain positive behavioural changes with high-impact interactive coaching supported by online resources

      • our wellbeing coaches deliver high-impact group coaching workshops and seminars on a range of wellbeing topics, providing employees with practical strategies they can use to improve their health and wellbeing
      • complement your workshop days with a series of pre-recorded webinars on a range of wellbeing topics that your employees can access over a one-week period
    • Develop your managers and inspire sustainable behaviour change to help your teams perform at their best

      • our training days focus on helping managers and leaders to proactively develop both their own mental, emotional and physical resilience, and that of their teams, so they can better cope with workplace pressures

       Your managers learn how to promote a more supportive organizational culture that prioritizes wellbeing and encourages individuals and teams to thrive.

    • Inspire your employees to get active and experience the health and wellbeing benefits of moving more

      • our scalable and flexible solutions help you create opportunities for your whole workforce to be more active
      • whatever the size and set-up of your business, we can help you find an initiative that suits you, from running virtual fitness classes to creating on-site studio spaces or gym facilities
      • Executive Coaching – our coaching and mentoring programmes help your senior managers enhance their personal performance and leadership capabilities so they can get the best out of your teams
      • Wellbeing Events get your employees engaged with their own wellbeing with our high profile, interactive health promotion events
      • Wellbeing Website – we support you to promote engagement with our wellbeing website, where your employees can access information and advice on a range of wellbeing topics
      • Organisational Pressure Profiles – our profile service helps you identify the key pressures faced by your workforce and develop solutions based on focus group feedback

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