Vaccinations and immunisations - syringe drawing from vial

Vaccination and Immunisation services

Safeguarding your employees against the risk of infection

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100 Companies to inspire Britain 2018
100 Companies to inspire Britain 2017

Do your employees work in roles where they may be exposed to vaccine-preventable communicable or infectious diseases?

If so, you have a duty of care to ensure that they are immunised against these diseases, to safeguard them and the vulnerable groups they work with against any associated risks to their health.

With our comprehensive vaccination and immunisation services, you can rest assured that your employees are fully protected so they can stay safe and well at work.

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Find out more about our Vaccination and Immunisation Services

    • Effective immunisation programmes tailored to your needs

      We’ll work with you to design an immunisation programme that is specifically tailored around your immunisation policy and features:

      • online vaccination questionnaires, allowing your new employees to easily and securely provide details and attach documentary evidence of their vaccination history
      • expert screening by our team of specialist occupational health advisors to determine whether employees require any vaccinations, boosters or blood tests
      • a dedicated vaccination team to coordinate all follow-up appointments and reviews
      • immunisation status updates issued via our online portal, so you can easily track progress
      • flexible delivery options – vaccination appointments can be scheduled at Medigold Health clinics or delivered onsite at your locations, depending on your needs

      We can even support you in reviewing your immunisation policy to ensure it is fit for purpose.

    • Providing you and your employees peace of mind following a BBV exposure or needlestick incident

       The most prevalent blood borne viruses (BBVs) are Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV.

      A BBV incident occurs when an employee suffers direct exposure to blood or other bodily fluids during the course of their work (either through having their skin pierced or punctured or being splashed in their eyes, mouth or broken skin), and is therefore put at risk of being potentially infected with one of these viruses.

      Even with control measures in place, unfortunately such incidents do still occur and they can be extremely distressing for the employee concerned.

      Our post-exposure management and support service ensures that you and your employees get the support you need following an incident by:

      • offering guidance on immediate first aid action to be taken
      • helping you evaluate the incident to establish the potential risk of BBV transmission and providing immediate advice and reassurance to the employee on the likely risks and any precautions to be taken until infection has been ruled out
      • organising initial blood tests and the delivery of any booster vaccinations or post-exposure prophylaxis, as appropriate
      • coordinating the ongoing management of high risk cases, including scheduling follow-up blood tests at appropriate intervals to confirm or exclude transmission and arranging counselling
    • Keeping your employees healthy and well when working overseas

      Ensure your employees remain safe and protected when working abroad with our travel health advice and vaccination service, which features:

      • online travel questionnaires allowing employees to provide details of their travel plans and vaccination history
      • individual clinical risk assessments conducted by our specialist travel nurses
      • vaccination schedules and travel health advice tailored to your employees’ travel plans and based on the most up to date travel health information from the NHS
      • a comprehensive range of travel vaccinations, with the option of worldwide cover for employees who travel frequently to multiple countries
      • flexible appointment options – appointments can be arranged at select Medigold Health clinics or through our national network of partner travel clinics
    • Reduce the impact of seasonal flu on your business

      Flu is highly contagious and can affect people of all ages, regardless of their general health and fitness. In an average year, 20 to 30 per cent of employees across the UK will contract the virus, making it one of the biggest causes of short-term illness and absence from work.

      Our seasonal flu vaccination programmes can help you effectively mitigate the spread of flu among your workforce and significantly reduce the associated impact on your business.

      We offer:

      • flexible delivery, with the option to:
      • schedule full or half-day clinics with one of our nurses at your sites
      • book individual appointments at our Medigold Health clinics
      • purchase flu vouchers that your employees can exchange for a jab at one of thousands of participating pharmacies across the UK

      Whether your employees are based at several key sites, spread across multiple smaller sites or working remotely, we have a cost and time-effective solution to suit you

      • online booking – our user-friendly online booking form allows you to easily notify our dedicated flu team of all your requirements, making scheduling your vaccinations simple
      • campaign support to increase uptake – we work with you to develop publicity campaigns that boost awareness of your flu programme and promote the benefits of vaccination, to encourage as many of your employees as possible to get the jab

      Our flu vaccination programmes usually run between October and December. Ahead of each season, we will publish exact details on our website and through direct communications with our clients, so you can make your booking and ensure your teams are protected and ready to go.

    • Vaccinations and blood tests for:

      • Diphtheria, tetanus and polio (DTP)
      • Measles, mumps and rubella
      • Varicella
      • Hepatitis B

      Blood tests to check immunity for:

      • TB (if initial scar check inconclusive)
      • Hepatitis C
      • HIV

      Travel vaccinations for:

      • Oral cholera
      • Hepatitis A
      • Rabies
      • Tick borne encephalitis
      • Typhoid
      • Yellow fever (at four of our clinics, which are designated Yellow Fever Vaccine Centres)
      • Japanese encephalitis

      We can also provide antimalarial medication.

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