Physiotherapy and ergonomic solutions -woman physio inspecting patient knee

Physiotherapy and ergonomic solutions

Improving employee wellbeing with ergonomic office design

100 Companies to inspire Britain 2019
100 Companies to inspire Britain 2018
100 Companies to inspire Britain 2017

Musculoskeletal disorders or injuries (MSDs) can make a significant impact on an employee’s ability to carry out their job role effectively and represent a major cause of workplace sickness absence. Our assessment and physiotherapy services can help to prevent the occurrence of MSDs, and to reduce their impact through early intervention.

Our approach includes:

  • Workstation and ergonomic workplace assessments to diagnose behaviours that might cause or exacerbate MSDs.
  • Solution-focused recommendations to help you improve the working environment.
  • Access to physiotherapists who provide expert advice designed to ameliorate issues caused by MSDs.
  • Personalised treatment plans to help get your employees back on track.

By using physiotherapy services and ergonomic workplace techniques, you can help your employees to avoid injuries that cause pain and discomfort, improve their wellbeing, engagement, and performance, and safeguard your business efficiency and productivity.

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Find out more about our Physiotherapy and Ergonomic Solutions

    • Working hard to prevent MSDs

      Employees reporting pain and discomfort from an MSD may benefit from an assessment of their working environment. Managers who request an investigation will be guided to one of the options below:

      • Workstation assessment (WSA): an hour-long review of the employee’s desk, chair and any display screen equipment (DSE) and how these are used.
      • Workplace assessment (WPA): an ergonomic assessor will explore the wider context in which the employee works taking account of their workstation, as well as any equipment that they use and the nature of their tasks.

      Our ergonomic assessors will produce a report to:

      • Highlight any issues that may be causing or exacerbating an MSD
      • Suggest improvements or adjustments to reduce potential risks
      • Recommend how ergonomic supports or alternative equipment could reduce pain and discomfort.

      In cases of complex MSDs, an experienced occupational health practitioner might carry out an assessment in tandem with an ergonomic advisor with their joint findings combined in a comprehensive report.

    • Personalised support to improve wellbeing

      We recommend taking a proactive approach to helping protect your employees’ musculoskeletal health and reducing the risk of workplace injuries. Where MSDs are identified, it is essential to act quickly to prevent any issues from becoming chronic.

      Our physiotherapy services can be called upon at short notice avoiding potentially lengthy NHS waiting times. We ensure that your employees can get help when and where they need it. Our team will collect the background details that we need to brief one of our chartered or state-registered physiotherapists and they will arrange an initial assessment. This will enable them to provide:

      • A report advising on the likely diagnosis and prognosis advising on whether the employee needs to abstain from work or follow modified duties
      • A personalised treatment plan based on ways to relieve pain, reduce discomfort, and restore movement
      • Advice on general wellbeing and appropriate rehabilitation exercises
      • Clear and robust guidance on the way forward following treatment.
    • Delivering a clear return

      We can demonstrate how the cost of physiotherapy and ergonomic services is clearly outweighed by the benefits. Investing in preventative activities and providing support and treatment for musculoskeletal pain and discomfort will help prevent downtime, sickness absence and lost productivity.

      Our expert team will help your employees to return to work more quickly, fully equipped with the knowledge and awareness that they need to manage their condition. By proactively looking after the health and wellbeing of your employees, you will reap the benefits of improved engagement and better performance.

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