The Medigold Health Blog
News and views from the Occupational Health industry leaders.
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Diabetes – It’s not that sweet
What do Tom Hanks, Billie-Jean King and Halle Berry have in common? Fame? Fortune? No… Type 2 diabetes, a common disease which can onset silently. In 2018, Diabetes UK reported that over 3 million people in the UK were living with a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes, with a further 1[...]
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Stillbirth Awareness – 4 Louis
Sadly in the UK, 15 babies die each day before, during or shortly after birth, that is an average of one baby every 90 minutes, stillbirth awareness and neonatal death remains a taboo subject with people often unsure of what to say or how to behave around those who have[...]
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Heatwave! Boiling Britain
Heatwave hits Britain Unless you have spent the last few days hiding under a rock, you will have noticed that the UK has been hit by a heatwave, with temperatures exceeding 36 degrees in many regions. While some of us will be enjoying the rising temperatures, many of us will[...]
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Occupational asthma and work aggravated asthma
Occupational asthma Most people consider asthma to be a disease of childhood. However, the condition can occur in adults. Should an employee experience symptoms of occupational asthma it is important for their employer to consider if work could be causing the condition. There are two types of occupational asthma[...]
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