The Medigold Health Blog
News and views from the Occupational Health industry leaders.
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It’s Plastic Free July!
Over the last few years, we’ve all become a lot more aware of the problem of plastic pollution and the huge issues it poses for our planet.
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Love is Love
Celebrating Pride Month! Pride Month is celebrated every year in commemoration of the Stonewall Riots that took place in New York in June 1969 and sparked the start of the modern LGBT rights movement. In the UK, it kicks off a season of Pride events happening across the country throughout[...]
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The two-question test for alcohol abuse
The NHS Choices website has reported that a simple two-question test for alcohol misuse may be an effective way to identify those at risk. Rather than asking patients how many units they drink each week, as doctors are aware that most patients underestimate or deliberately lie, doctors may start asking[...]
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Point of care testing
Point of care testing (POCT), also known as bedside testing, is medical testing conducted at or near the site of patient care, often using drug testing kits. POCT is designed for the convenience of patients and also helps provide information as rapidly as possible to medical professionals, allowing clinical[...]
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